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7 Reasons Why the Growth in Video will only Accelerate

Video is on a growth trajectory and the upside for businesses to get in on this momentum is – huge. 

But first, let’s start with the basics. Video marketing is the process of using videos to advertise your brand. Through a variety of platforms, you can share the narrative behind your business, products, and services. It provides the ability to deliver a message in a concise way and in a short amount of time.

Visual Storytelling

With 95% of marketers preferring to include video marketing in their strategies, it is quickly becoming one of the most popular approaches in digital marketing plans. Since over one billion of YouTube hours are consumed every day, it’s no wonder why 89% of marketers intend to produce YouTube videos as well. Even if YouTube is the most widely used medium for video marketing, social networking sites are becoming more and more popular for video. TikTok is gaining popularity, as are social media platforms like Facebook Live, Instagram Live, and Instagram Reels.

What benefits could video marketing offer my company?

      1. Video marketing offers clients the chance to better understand your offer. Often when selling a more complex product or service, half the battle is trying to educate your customers. But if all this reasoning and explaining is through lengthy technical documentation, chances are they will never read it and learn. Video is the perfect medium for taking a complex subject and breaking it down in to pieces which are easier to digest for the audience.

      1. People are time poor. The reality is everyone’s pretty busy and when a salesman asks for a ‘quick chat’, the client knows that what follows is a lengthy process of qualification, questions, vetting and discussions with management. A video allows your brand the ability to get across ideas and concepts very quickly and efficiently.

      1. Its increases dwell time on your website. It’s very important to understand how customers engage with your content. Since video lasts longer than a bit of scrolling here and there, you can see if people are sticking around to see what you do and are interested in what you can offer.

      1. Video improves SEO. Search engine optimisation determines where you appear in Google and other search engines. By incorporating videos, it can dramatically improve your online visibility. There’s a reason the highest ranking websites all feature video content.

      1. Channels such as YouTube and TikTok are becoming the go to search tools for millennials and gen z generations. The reason for this is simply because they have shorter attention spans and demand information faster. Why scroll through page on page when there’s a quick 2 minute video to explain everything you need to know?

    Since over one billion of YouTube hours are consumed every day, it’s no wonder why 89% of marketers intend to produce YouTube videos


    The real question you may be asking yourself, can video marketing increase sales in 2023. The answer is, of course, yes.

     The reality is that the growth we’ve seen in video over the last few years is just the beginning and will only accelerate from now on. Studies have shown that customers are more likely to convert using video content that they are any other type of media. As the population grows younger and they accrue more spending power, accept the fact that video marketing is here to stay. In fact, the market is still finding new ways to use video content and this could be your chance to get in on the ground floor of what will eventually become the dominant form of global media and advertising.

    Not sure where to start? Ask Foxdog Marketing about videos and say – hello@foxdogmarketing.com


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