5 predictions for what digital marketing will look like in 2040 

Whilst its pretty difficult to predict with any certainty what digital marketing will look like in 2040, it is likely that digital marketing will continue to evolve and become more sophisticated as technology advances.

To avoid getting too carried away, we started by looking at previous predictions for what life would be like today. Much of that revolved around the usual tropes such as flying cars or robot cleaners.  

Throughout history there has always been great paradigm shifts when new technology emerges. Digital Marketing, like any sector, will be forced to adapt to these changes and compete with those that embrace new technology. But first, let’s see exactly what’s shaping the industry already to see what digital marketing will look like in 2040.

cloud network of digital marketing


5 Predictions for 2040

  1. Increased use of artificial intelligence and machine learning: These technologies could be used to personalise marketing campaigns and make them precision targeted and super effective. Since AI advancement is really driven by data, its expected that algorithms will become masters of the customer profile. As AI progresses, they will become better at targeting us based on a deeper understanding of our psychographic consumer profiles.

  2. Greater use of virtual and augmented reality: These technologies could be used to create immersive, interactive marketing experiences. There may be many objections to the metaverse such as poor quality graphics and writing it off as just hype but there’s no arguing it’s here to stay. According to Business Insider, Meta has invested over $36 Billion into the metaverse. Even the biggest players in the game don’t write off that kind of money unless it’s a sure thing.

  3. More emphasis on customer experience: Digital marketing strategies may focus on creating seamless, personalized experiences for customers across all touchpoints. We expect retail to adapt to digital and level the playing field with e-commerce by taking advantage of digital services that record footfall and dwell time, ultimately leveraging data in their favour. In order to revive the high street, shopping will become more experiential and less transactional.

  4. Greater integration of online and offline marketing: Digital marketing campaigns may become more integrated with offline marketing efforts, such as in-store promotions and events. Trade fairs will become more interactive and connected, providing more competition with pure digital marketing. It’s highly likely that all aspects of our lives at that point will be interwoven by tech. Life will become inextricably bound to technology.

  5. Increased use of blockchain technology: This technology could be used to enhance the security and transparency of digital marketing efforts. The blockchain is another often misunderstood technology. Those that do understand and embrace it are likely to reap the benefits over time. Offering full traceability of digital assets will eventually become the norm. Our last prediction is that the big tech players won’t be able to extract data from customers the way they are currently. People will be compensated financially in exchange for their information. 


Overall, it’s likely that digital marketing in 2040 will be more data-driven, personalised, and technology-driven.

 Without a doubt, there will be disruption when new tech emerges. But with new disruptions comes more competition and as a result more innovation. In this way, new technologies means more opportunities.